Xen Cloud Platform Drivers


The XCP Drivers Addon enables the management of an OpenNebula cloud based on Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) hypervisors. It uses the “xe” command line tool to invoke the XAPI interface exposed by the XCP hypervisors, and features a simple installation process that will leverage the stability, performance and feature set of any existing XCP based OpenNebula cloud.

Release Notes 2.1.95 Beta

This is still an early release (prototype) of the drivers that is not suitable for production environments. This release is not considered feature complete and will be also further stabilized with fixes for important and critical bugs. There may be some gaps in the documentation that will be filled by the final release.

The OpenNebula team appreciates your feedback on the functionality, stability and performance of the drivers. Please use the ecosystem mailing list for any communication.


These drivers enable OpenNebula to perform basic VM lifecycle management (create, monitor, shutdown)

Roadmap for Stable Release

  • Bump compatibility for OpenNebula 3.0

Roadmap for Future Releases

  • Add support for livemigration

