
The OPTIMIS toolkit is fundamentally a cloud-enabling technology that ultimately allows users to schedule and automate the delivery of workloads to the most suitable venues (internal or external) based on policies such as trust, risk, eco-efficiency and cost (TREC). The OPTIMIS software tools are deployed in the datacenter, and are a complement to cloud management and orchestration platforms. OPTIMIS covers the full service lifecycle - construction, deployment and operation. With its construction and deployment tools, OPTIMIS gives service providers the capability to easily orchestrate cloud services from scratch, run legacy apps on the cloud and make intelligent deployment decisions based on their – or their customers' – TREC preferences. It supports end-to-end security and compliance with data protection and green legislation. The toolkit also allows for developing once and deploying services across different types of cloud environments – private, hybrid, federated or multi-clouds. The OPTIMIS operation tools are intended to simplify and automate the management of infrastructure, and aim to improve resource utilization efficiency.

Documentation and Installation Guides can be found at http://optimistoolkit.com/documentation.html

For more information on each tool, go to http://optimistoolkit.com/components.html


OPTIMIS enables vendor-neutral, hybrid cloud implementations, and allows for 'best execution venues' based on policies such as trust, risk, eco-efficiency and cost. It provides end-to-end security and compliance with data protection and green legislation.

The OPTIMIS toolkit allows developers to orchestrate value added composite cloud services, run legacy applications in the cloud, deploy individual service elements on different venues, create VMs automatically, and do all the above without specific cloud expertise.

The OPTIMIS toolkit allows service providers to make informed decisions and deploy workloads on the most suitable venues; deploy across any type of cloud environments (private, hybrid, ‘bursted’, federated or multi-clouds); make deployment decisions based on policies such as trust, risk, eco-efficiency, and cost (TREC); simplify and automate infrastructure management based on policies such as trust, risk, eco-efficiency, and cost, even in complex scenarios, such as cloud federation.