
Claudia is an open-source standard-based (Tcloud API and OVF) service manager to easily govern whole services (rather than individual VMs) and to control how services are scaled up/down and in/out in an automated manner. Claudia helps to save valuable time/resources by automating prone to failure tasks that need to be done repeatedly. Operations are done once for the whole service, rather than as many times as the number of required VMs for a given service.


Claudia manages services as a whole, controlling the configuration of multi-vm components, virtual networks and storage support by optimizing the usage of them by dynamically scaling up/down services applying elasticity rules, SLA and business rules.

Claudia can deploy services among a public Cloud (Amazon, Flexiscale, GoGrid, …) or a private Cloud using Virtual Infrastructure Manager, such as OpenNebula, through a plug-in driver mechanism that will orchestrate the virtual resource allocation.