Cloud API

Class VirtualMachinePool

  extended by org.opennebula.client.Pool
      extended by org.opennebula.client.vm.VirtualMachinePool
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class VirtualMachinePool
extends Pool
implements java.lang.Iterable<VirtualMachine>

This class represents an OpenNebula VM pool. It also offers static XML-RPC call wrappers.

Field Summary
static int ALL_VM
          Flag for Virtual Machines in any state.
static int NOT_DONE
          Flag for Virtual Machines in any state, except for DONE.
Fields inherited from class org.opennebula.client.Pool
ALL, client, elementName, infoMethod, MINE, MINE_GROUP, poolElements
Constructor Summary
VirtualMachinePool(Client client)
          Creates a new Virtual Machine pool with the default filter flag value set to Pool.MINE_GROUP (Virtual Machines belonging to the connected user, and the ones in his group)
VirtualMachinePool(Client client, int filter)
          Creates a new Virtual Machine pool.
Method Summary
 PoolElement factory(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
          The factory method returns a suitable PoolElement object from an XML node.
 VirtualMachine getById(int id)
          Returns the Virtual Machine with the given Id from the pool.
 OneResponse info()
          Loads the xml representation of all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
static OneResponse info(Client client, int filter)
          Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
static OneResponse info(Client client, int filter, int startId, int endId, int state)
          Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
 OneResponse info(int filter, int startId, int endId, int state)
          Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
 OneResponse infoAll()
          Loads the xml representation of all the Virtual Machines in the pool.
static OneResponse infoAll(Client client)
          Retrieves all the Virtual Machines in the pool.
 OneResponse infoGroup()
          Loads the xml representation of all the connected user's Virtual Machines and the ones in his group.
static OneResponse infoGroup(Client client)
          Retrieves all the connected user's Virtual Machines and the ones in his group.
 OneResponse infoMine()
          Loads the xml representation of all the connected user's Virtual Machines.
static OneResponse infoMine(Client client)
          Retrieves all the connected user's Virtual Machines.
 java.util.Iterator<VirtualMachine> iterator()
static OneResponse monitoring(Client client, int filter)
          Retrieves the monitoring data for all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
 OneResponse monitoring(int filter)
          Retrieves the monitoring data for all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.
Methods inherited from class org.opennebula.client.Pool
getLength, info, info, info, infoAll, infoGroup, infoMine, item, processInfo, xmlrpcInfo
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int ALL_VM
Flag for Virtual Machines in any state.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOT_DONE
Flag for Virtual Machines in any state, except for DONE.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public VirtualMachinePool(Client client)
Creates a new Virtual Machine pool with the default filter flag value set to Pool.MINE_GROUP (Virtual Machines belonging to the connected user, and the ones in his group)

client - XML-RPC Client.
See Also:
VirtualMachinePool(Client, int)


public VirtualMachinePool(Client client,
                          int filter)
Creates a new Virtual Machine pool.

client - XML-RPC Client.
filter - Filter flag to use by default in the method info(). Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
Method Detail


public PoolElement factory(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
Description copied from class: Pool
The factory method returns a suitable PoolElement object from an XML node. Each Pool must implement the corresponding factory method.

Specified by:
factory in class Pool
node - XML Dom node to build the PoolElement from
The corresponding PoolElement


public static OneResponse info(Client client,
                               int filter)
Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.

client - XML-RPC Client.
filter - Filter flag to use. Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public static OneResponse infoAll(Client client)
Retrieves all the Virtual Machines in the pool.

client - XML-RPC Client.
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public static OneResponse infoMine(Client client)
Retrieves all the connected user's Virtual Machines.

client - XML-RPC Client.
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public static OneResponse infoGroup(Client client)
Retrieves all the connected user's Virtual Machines and the ones in his group.

client - XML-RPC Client.
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public static OneResponse info(Client client,
                               int filter,
                               int startId,
                               int endId,
                               int state)
Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool. The Virtual Machines to retrieve can be also filtered by Id, specifying the first and last Id to include; and by state.

client - XML-RPC Client.
filter - Filter flag to use. Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
startId - Lowest Id to retrieve
endId - Biggest Id to retrieve
state - Numeric state of the Virtual Machines wanted, or one of ALL_VM or NOT_DONE
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public static OneResponse monitoring(Client client,
                                     int filter)
Retrieves the monitoring data for all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.

client - XML-RPC Client.
filter - Filter flag to use. Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public OneResponse info()
Loads the xml representation of all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool. The filter used is the one set in the constructor.

info in class Pool
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.
See Also:
info(Client, int)


public OneResponse infoAll()
Loads the xml representation of all the Virtual Machines in the pool.

infoAll in class Pool
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public OneResponse infoMine()
Loads the xml representation of all the connected user's Virtual Machines.

infoMine in class Pool
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public OneResponse infoGroup()
Loads the xml representation of all the connected user's Virtual Machines and the ones in his group.

infoGroup in class Pool
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public OneResponse info(int filter,
                        int startId,
                        int endId,
                        int state)
Retrieves all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool. The Virtual Machines to retrieve can be also filtered by Id, specifying the first and last Id to include.

filter - Filter flag to use. Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
startId - Lowest Id to retrieve
endId - Biggest Id to retrieve
state - Numeric state of the Virtual Machines wanted
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public OneResponse monitoring(int filter)
Retrieves the monitoring data for all or part of the Virtual Machines in the pool.

filter - Filter flag to use. Possible values:
  • Pool.ALL: All Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE: Connected user's Virtual Machines
  • Pool.MINE_GROUP: Connected user's Virtual Machines, and the ones in his group
  • >= 0: UID User's Virtual Machines
If successful the message contains the string with the information returned by OpenNebula.


public java.util.Iterator<VirtualMachine> iterator()
Specified by:
iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<VirtualMachine>


public VirtualMachine getById(int id)
Returns the Virtual Machine with the given Id from the pool. If it is not found, then returns null. The method info() must be called before.

getById in class Pool
id - of the ACl rule to retrieve
The Virtual Machine with the given Id, or null if it was not found.

Cloud API

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