How to Create an Amazon EC2 Sandbox Instance
buttonEC2 Instance Type
section we recommend you choose t1.micro
Firwall Settings
section choose allopen
Key Pair
sectionPricing Details
section. Note that this appliance is free, you will only be charged for the Amazon AWS services.Launch with 1-Click
button.AWS Management Console
link in the next pagePublic DNS
field, which will look similar to:
. That will be the IP of the Virtual MachineUsing the IP obtained in the previous section, you will be able to log in into the virtual machine by doing:
<xterm> ssh -i <yourkey.pem> root@<IP> </xterm>
Bootstrap the instance
Run the following code in the instance and wait for a couple of minutes until it says it's ready to start the test-drive:
<xterm> curl|bash </xterm>