Contributors to the Open-source Community

OpenNebula has thousands of users, contributors, and supporters, who interact through various online email lists, blogs and innovative projects to support each other.

Do you want to contribute to the technology?, please visit the community page. Contributions can be in the form of source code patches, new code, or bug reports, but could also include mailing list support or web site content like articles, tutorials, FAQs, or screenshots.

Do you want to sponsor the project?, please visit the sponsor page.

Send us an email to if you are interested in collaborating on open-source and innovation in cloud computing management.

Project Leads

Project Leads define strategy, represent, promote and lead all technical aspects of the open-source project, such as the architecture, design, roadmap, development, release cycles, versioning, QA, documentation and web site.

Community Manager

The Community Manager is responsible for engaging the open source community, and championing the project and the technology.

Major Contributors

Major Contributors are highly experienced members of the open-source community who have demonstrated their design skills and have made significant contributions to the project for several years.


We would like to acknowledge the work of many community members who have contributed to OpenNebula by being active with the discussions, answering user questions, spreading our word, or providing patches for bugfixes, features and documentation. If your name is missing from the list, please contact us.

Registered Users

OpenNebula has more than 500 registered users in our development portal that occasionally contribute to the project.

Ecosystem Contributors

The following organizations have contributed to the OpenNebula ecosystem: CloudScaling, Telefonica I+D, C12G Labs, SARA Supercomputing Center, University of Chicago, University on Clemson, GWDG, INRIA, Furtwangen University, LiberSoft, CRS4 Computing Center…