OPENNEBULA(8)           System Administration Utilities          OPENNEBULA(8)

       OpenNebula - OpenNebula Virtual Machine command

       onevm [<options>] <command> [<parameters>]

       This command enables the user to manage virtual machines in OpenNebula.
       The user can allocate, deploy, migrate, suspend, resume and shutdown  a
       virtual machine with the functionality present in onevm.

       -l, --list x,y,z
              Selects columns to display with list command

              Information  about  the  columns  available to display, order or

       -o, --order x,y,z
              Order by these columns, column starting with - means  decreasing

       -f, --filter x,y,z
              Filter data. An array is specified with column=value pairs.

       -d, --delay seconds
              Sets the delay in seconds for top command

       -x, --xml
              Returns xml instead of human readable text

       -t, --type type
              Image type

       -v, --verbose
              Tells more information if the command is successful

       -h, --help
              Shows this help message

              Shows version and copyright information

       create (Submits a new virtual machine, adding it to the ONE VM pool)

              onevm create <template>

              template is a file name where the VM description is located

       deploy (Starts an existing VM in an specific host)

              onevm deploy <vm_id> <host_id>

              States: PENDING

       shutdown (Shuts down an already deployed VM)

              onevm shutdown <vm_id>

              States: RUNNING

       livemigrate (Migrates a running VM to another host without downtime)

              onevm livemigrate <vm_id> <host_id>

              States: RUNNING

       migrate (Saves a running VM and starts it again in the specified host)

              onevm migrate <vm_id> <host_id>

              States: RUNNING

       hold (Sets a VM to hold state, scheduler will not deploy it)

              onevm hold <vm_id>

              States: PENDING

       release (Releases a VM from hold state, setting it to pending)

              onevm release <vm_id>

              States: HOLD

       stop (Stops a running VM)

              onevm stop <vm_id>

              States: RUNNING

       cancel (Cancels a running VM)

              onevm cancel <vm_id>

              States: RUNNING

       suspend (Saves a running VM)

              onevm suspend <vm_id>

              States: RUNNING

       resume (Resumes the execution of a saved VM)

              onevm resume <vm_id>

              States: STOPPED, SUSPENDED

       saveas  (Set  the  specified  vms  disk  to  be  saved  in  a new image

              when the vm shuts down)

              onevm saveas <vm_id> <disk_id> <image_name>

              (Set a different type for the new Image)

              onevm saveas <vm_id> <disk_id> <image_name> -t/--type <type>

       delete (Deletes a VM from the pool)

              onevm delete <vm_id>

              States: ANY

       restart (Forces a re-deployment of a VM in UNKNOWN or BOOT state)

              onevm restart <vm_id>

              States: UNKNOWN, BOOT

       resubmit (Resubmits a VM to PENDING state)

              onevm resubmit <vm_id>

              States: ANY, except SUSPENDED or DONE

       list (Shows VMs in the pool)

              onevm list <filter_flag>

              where filter_flag can be

       a, all --> all the known VMs

       m, mine
              --> the VMs belonging to the user in ONE_AUTH

       uid    --> VMs of the user identified by this uid

       user   --> VMs of the user identified by the username

       show (Gets information about a specific VM)

              onevm show <vm_id>

       top (Lists VMs continuously)

              onevm top

       history (Gets history from VMs)

              onevm history [<vm_id> <vm_id> ...]

              if no vm_id is provided it will list history for all known VMs

       Information Columns:

       ID        ONE VM identifier

       USER      Username of the VM owner

       NAME      Name of the VM

       STAT      Status of the VM

       CPU       CPU percentage used by the VM

       MEM       Memory used by the VM

       HOSTNAME  Host where the VM is being or was run

       TIME      Time since the submission of the VM (days  hours:minutes:secâ<

       VM States:

       pend   pending

       hold   VM on hold (not runnable)

       stop   stopped

       susp   suspended

       done   finished

       prol   prolog

       boot   booting

       runn   running

       migr   migrating

       save   saving the VM to disk

       epil   epilog

       shut   shutting down

       fail   failed

       Copyright 2002-2011, OpenNebula Project Leads (

       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
       not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
       a copy of the License at

OpenNebula 2.2                    March 2011                     OPENNEBULA(8)