Table of Contents

Technology Preview Overview is pleased to announce a Technology Preview of OpenNebula (ONE), a virtual infrastructure engine that enables the dynamic deployment and re-allocation of virtual machines on a pool of physical resources. ONE (OpenNebula) extends the benefits of Xen virtualization technology from a single physical resource to a pool of resources, decoupling the server not only from the physical infrastructure but also from the physical location.

Feature Summary

The OpenNebula Virtual Infrastructure Engine differentiates from existing VM managers in its highly modular and open architecture designed to meet the requirements of cluster administrators.

Technology Dependencies


The ONE Server machine needs to have installed the following software:

Most of this software is already packaged in linux distributions. Here are the packages needed in a debian lenny.


Provisioning hosts (here Host 1 and Host 2) need to have installed:

Supported Platforms

Known Problems

$> mkdir /var/spool/nebula  
$> touch /var/spool/nebula/one.db  
$> ln -s /var/spool/nebula/one.db $ONE_LOCATION/var/one.db

After this make sure this file is readable and writable by <oneadmin> user.