Table of Contents

OpenNebula 4.4 Amazon AWS Sandbox

The sandbox is a CentOS 6.3 virtual machine image with a pre-configured OpenNebula 4.4 front-end, a virtualization host using QEMU ready to execute virtual machines, and prepared images to offer a complete and rich cloud experience. Users are able to log into an OpenNebula cloud, peer the managed resources, and launch instances of virtual machines without the hassle of configuring a physical infrastructure.

1. Requirements

2. Start the Amazon EC2 instance

EC2 Web Interface

In the AMIs tab change the viewing filtering to public images and search for AMI “ami-7190b018” (US East). Right click on it and select “Launch Instance”. In this wizard you will only need to choose a keypair and select “allopen” in the security groups list.

You will get the public DNS as soon as the AMI is running.

Command Line Interface

There is an already made EC2 ami with the software preinstalled and configured. To start it using the command line you can issue this command:

<xterm> $ ec2-run-instances ami-7190b018 -g allopen -k <keypair> </xterm>

We are setting the security group to all ports open with the -g allopen directive. However you may create your own with these ports open: 22 (ssh), 9869 (sunstone), 29876 (novnc).

You can get the public DNS using ec2-describe-instances with the identifier given by the previous command:


$ ec2-describe-instances i-xxxxxxxx


3. Take a Test Drive

:!: In the guide referenced by in this section you will need to use the IP obtained in section 2 as the IP.

Follow this guide in order to check out what OpenNebula can do.