OpenNebula 2.0 Beta1 Release

The OpenNebula team has released the first beta version of what is to become OpenNebula 2.0 next September. OpenNebula 2.0 Beta 1 is targeted at testers and users that would like to peep at what's coming to their clouds!. OpenNebula 2.0 beta includes a significant amount of changes and new features in many areas, bringing the most flexible, scalable and feature rich Cloud Toolkit to the Free Software community. OpenNebula 2.0 is the result of a close collaboration with our user community to address their scalability, flexibility and security requirements in large-scale production systems.

This new release will break compatibility with OpenNebula 1.4 (at DB and API levels), therefore we've decided to follow a larger release cycle to make a smooth transition period, and also to stabilize API's and internal data models for the new components.

What is new in OpenNebula 2.0 Beta1

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