OpenNebula Statistics API 3.0

This page contains the OpenNebula Statistics API implementation for Ruby. It has been designed for retrieving utilization information of the Cloud. This version of the API supports Virtual Machine and Host statistics. ====== Retrieving Resource Information ====== ===== Virtual Machine ===== * **Method name:** vm_monitoring * **Description**: Retrieve statistics for a given Virtual Machine Instance * **Parameters** ^Type ^ Data Type ^ Description ^ |IN | Integer | Virtual Machine Instance ID | |IN | Array | An array containing the requested MONITORING RESOURCES | |OUT | nil/Hash | Hash containing statistics information | ^MONITORING RESOURCES^ | :cpu | | :memory | | :net_tx | | :net_rx | ===== Host ===== * **Method name:** host_monitoring * **Description**: Retrieve statistics for a given Host * **Parameters** ^Type ^ Data Type ^ Description ^ |IN | Integer | Host ID | |IN | Array | An array containing the requested MONITORING RESOURCES | |OUT | nil/Hash | Hash containing statistics information | ^MONITORING RESOURCES^ | :disk_usage | | :mem_usage | | :cpu_usage | | :max_disk | | :max_mem | | :max_disk | | :max_cpu | | :free_disk | | :free_mem | | :free_cpu | | :used_disk | | :used_mem | | :used_cpu | | :rvms | ====== Retrieving Global Information ====== ===== Virtual Machine ===== * **Method name:** vm_total * **Description**: Retrieve global statistics for Virtual Machine Instances * **Parameters** ^Type ^ Data Type ^ Description ^ |IN | Array | An array containing the requested FILTER CONDITIONS | |OUT | nil/Hash | Hash containing global statistics information | ^FILTER CONDITIONS^ | :total | | :active | | :error | ===== Host ===== * **Method name:** host_total * **Description**: Retrieve global statistics for Hosts * **Parameters** ^Type ^ Data Type ^ Description ^ |IN | Array | An array containing the requested FILTER CONDITIONS | |OUT | nil/Hash | Hash containing global statistics information | ^FILTER CONDITIONS^ | :total | | :active | | :error | ====== Output ====== The Output for all the methods will be a hash containing the following values { :resource => :id => :monitoring => <{MONITORING_RESOURCES}|{FILTER_CODITIONS}> } Each monitoring resource or filter condition will contain an array of pairs [timestamp, value] that will represent values for the specified key in a range of time defined in the [[.:acctd_conf|acct daemon]] configuration (''WINDOW_SIZE''). **Example** { :resource => HOST_POOL, :monitoring => { :used_cpu => [ [1310650659,750], [1310650674,680], [1310650689,521], [1310650704,1083] ], :cpu_usage => [ [1310650659,250], [1310650674,250], [1310650689,250], [1310650704,250] ], :max_cpu => [ [1310650659,1600], [1310650674,1600], [1310650689,1600], [1310650704,1600] ] } } ====== Usage ====== If you want to use this client to retrieve information from the Statistics Module you must have an OpenNebula site and the [[.:acctd_conf|acct daemon]] properly configured and running. The following script (''test_stats.rb'') will retrieve statistics of the Host 5 and the amount of Virtual Machines in a number of timestamps predefined in the [[.:acctd_conf|acct daemon]] configuration (''WINDOW_SIZE'') until the current situation. #!/usr/bin/env ruby ############################################################################## # Required libraries ############################################################################## ONE_LOCATION = ENV["ONE_LOCATION"] if !ONE_LOCATION RUBY_LIB_LOCATION = "/usr/lib/one/ruby" else RUBY_LIB_LOCATION = ONE_LOCATION+"/lib/ruby" end $: << RUBY_LIB_LOCATION require 'acct/watch_client' require 'json' # create a new Client to retrieve statistics information watch_client = # Retrieve disk_usage, mem_usage and cpu_usage for Host 5 monitoring_resources = [ :disk_usage, :mem_usage, :cpu_usage ] host_stats = watch_client.host_monitoring(5, monitoring_resources) puts JSON.pretty_generate host_stats # Retrieve the number of active, error and total VMs filter_conditions = [ :total, :active, :error ] vm_global = watch_client.vm_total(filter_conditions) puts JSON.pretty_generate vm_global