Featured Users

====== Featured Organizations Using OpenNebula ====== The following are examples of organizations that are using OpenNebula at different levels, from experimentation to production. Here we try to illustrate research and business use cases but not to provide a complete list of users. **OpenNebula is downloaded several thousands times per month** from our site, and the code can be also downloaded from the software repository and from the several commercial and open-source distributions embedding our leading technology for cloud management. If you would like to see your organization listed here please take a moment to fill out our [[|OpenNebula User Survey]]. Hosting Providers: - VrStorm|vrstorm.png| - On VPS|onvps.png| - NBSP|nbsp.png| - Orion VM|orionvm.png| - Alter Way Hosting|alterway.png| - Quobis|quobis.png| - CITEC|citec.png| - LibreIT|libreit.png| Telecom Operators: - China Mobile|china_mobile.png| - Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG|telefonica.png| - Telefónica I+D|tid.png| IT Services Providers: - IBM Global Business Services|ibm.png| - Engineering|engineering.png| - Logica|logica.png| - Mercury Mobile|me-mobi.png| - Clouds Sky|cloudssky.png| - IPPON Technologies|ippon.png| - NETWAYS|netways.png| - KPMG|kpmg.png| - NineLab|ninelab.png| Cloud Solution Providers: - Hexagrid|hexagrid.png| - MorphLabs|morphlabs.png| - ClassCat|classcat.png| # - LingCloud|lingcloud.png| - ZeroNines|zeronines.png| - CloudWeavers|cloudweavers.png| Banking and Financial: - MPS|mps.png| Infrastructure Providers: - SURFnet|surfnet.png| - RedIris|rediris.png| - GRNET|grnet.png| Supercomputing Centers: - SARA|sara.png| - NCHC|nchc.png| - CRS4|crs4.png| - CESGA|cesga.png| - PDC|pdc.png| - CESCA|cesca.png| - PIC|pic.png| - Tokyo Institute of Technology|titech.png| Public and Government: - National Central Library of Florence|bncf.png| Research Centers: - CERN|cern.png| - NIKHEF|nikhef.png| - D-Grid|dgrid.png| - FermiLab|fermilab.png| - CSIRO|csiro.png| - KIT|kit.png| - Telecom SudParis|telecom-sudparis.png| - IPB Halle|ipb_halle.png| - KISTI|kisti.png| - ESAC ESA|esac.png| - ESRIN ESA|esrin.png|community|www.esa.int_esami_esrin_site - bDigital|bdigital.png| - Harvard University SEAS|harvard.png| - LAL CNRS|lal.png| - DESY|desy.png| - AIST|aist.png| - Universidade Federal Do Ceará|ceara.png| DOKU_PROYECTOS: | ====== Featured International Projects Using OpenNebula ====== OpenNebula is being used as reference open source cloud stack in several international initiatives where the **world leading industrial and academic organizations** are addressing research and technology challenges in enterprise-class cloud computing management such as cloud federation, energy efficiency, VM scheduling, Grid on Cloud, standardization... or are evaluating the Cloud computing model in order to support scientific and educational projects. Please [[about:contact|contact us]] if you would like to see your project listed here. e-Infrastructure: - EGEE|egee.png| - D-Grid|dgrid.png| - PRAGMA|pragma.png| - StratusLab|stratuslab.png| - VenusC|venusc.png| - IGE|ige.png| - BIG GRID|biggrid.png| - Future Grid|futuregrid.png| - EDGI|edgi.png| - GEYSERS|geysers.png| - EGI|egi.png| - RENKEI|renkei.png| - IberGrid|ibergrid.png| - Megha Cloud|megha.png| Future Internet Research & Experimentation: - BonFIRE|bonfire.png| Innovation in the Internet of Services: - RESERVOIR|reservoir.png| - 4CaaSt|4caast.png| - Contrail|contrail.png| - TClouds|tclouds.png| - GAMES|games.png| - SAIL|sail.png| - CompatibleOne|compatibleone.png| - Cloud TM|cloudtm.png| - ComodIT|comodit.png| - CloudMU|cloudmu.png| Application Oriented Innovation: - CUSTOM|custom.png| - GenOuest|genouest.png|