OpenNebula 4.2 ESX Sandbox

The sandbox is a CentOS 6.3 virtual machine image with a pre-configured OpenNebula 4.2 (Flame) front-end, a virtualization host using QEMU ready to execute virtual machines, and prepared images to offer a complete and rich cloud experience. Optionally other physical worker nodes using any of the hypervisors supported by OpenNebula can be enrolled to build small-scale cloud infrastructures. Users are able to log into an OpenNebula cloud, peer the managed resources, and launch instances of virtual machines without the hassle of configuring a physical infrastructure. ====== 1. Requirements ====== * ESX(i) 5.0+ * other versions may be used converting the image first with vmkfstools (vmkfstools -i {source vmdk} {destination vmdk}) * 512 MB of free RAM for the Virtual Machine * 10 GB of free disk space * Virtual Infrastructure client (VI Client) * windows application to interact with the ESX host ====== 2. Download the Virtual Appliance ====== Download the image for ESX from [[|the marketplace]]. The image is compressed with tar.gz. Be sure to decompress it before moving on. You should end up with two .vmdk files. Recommended unarchivers: * **Mac OS X**: [[|The Unarchiver]] * **Linux**: use "tar xvzf opennebula-4.2-sandbox.vmdk.tar.gz" * **Windows**: [[|7-Zip]] ====== 3. Boot the Appliance ====== **Step 3.1 - Upload Sandbox image** Start VI Client, connect to the ESX host and follow these steps: * Click on the Configuration tab and select Storage from the left Hardware menu * Select one of the listed datastores (remember, you need 10GB of free space), right click, Browse datastore * Click on the "Upload files to this folder" icon * Select the uncompressed two files (one at a time) to upload it to the datastore {{ :viclient.png?700 }} **Step 3.2 - Create a new virtual machine** On the VI Client, click on the "New Virtual Machine" icon * Select **Custom** virtual machine * Name: **''opennebula-sandbox''** * Select the same datastore as in the point above * Select Virtual Machine Version 8 * Select Linux -> CentOS 4/5/6 (64 bit) * **CPUs**: Accept the defaults * **Memory**: 512 MB * **Network**: Accept the default * **SCSI Controller**: VMware Paravirtual * **Select disk**: Use an existing virtual disk. Browse to the uploaded disk (select the one named "opennebula-3.8-sandbox.vmdk"). * **Advanced options**: Select the default * Once created, start the Sandbox appliance **Step 3.3 - Enter the Appliance** At this point the Virtual Machine will be running. Wait until you see a login prompt in the VI client console that says ''one-sandbox login:" You can log in into the Virtual Machine using the following information: * **Login**: root * **Password**: opennebula ====== 4. Take a Test Drive ======
:!: In the guide referenced by in this section you will need to use your virtual machines's IP as the IP. You can obtain it by doing **ifconfig eth0** inside the Virtual Machine
Follow [[sandboxtestdrive|this guide]] in order to check out what OpenNebula can do.